
SHI Wenxing
Tel: 86-10-62796114
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]


Refrigeration and Heat Pump

Energy Storage and  Utilization of Renewable Energy



PhD in HVAC Engineering,  Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, 2001

Advanced Study and Training,  Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) in Japan and  Nippon Light Metal Co., LTD. (NKK), 09/1991~09/1992

Master in Refrigeration and  Cryogenic Engineering, Department of Refrigeration Engineering, Tianjin  University of commerce, 1994

Bachelor in Refrigeration  Engineering, Department of Refrigeration Engineering, Tianjin University  of commerce, 1986


Doctoral Advisor, Department  of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,  12/2009-present

Professor, Department of  Building Science, Tsinghua University, 12/2008-present

Associate Professor,  Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, 12/2003-12/2008

Lecturer, Department of  Building Science, Tsinghua University, 07/2003-12/2003

Post Doctor and Research  Assistant, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University,  05/2001-07/2003

Political Tutor and  Lecturer, Department of Refrigeration Engineering, Tianjin University of  commerce, Tianjin, China, 07/1986-05/2001



Basic  Research

Project of National Natural  Science Foundation: Construction and Coupling Characteristics Research  of Combined Refrigeration System by Thermo-siphon and Vapor Compression  (Grant Number: 51176084) ,01/ 2012-12/2015

Subject of 973 Program:  Energy Storage and Release  & Active Energy Storage (Grant  Number: 2010CB227305), 01/2010-12/2014

Project of National Natural  Science Foundation: Double-effect Adjustment Method of Refrigeration and  Heat Pump System with Scroll Compressor Based on Refrigerant Injection  and Release (Grant Number: 51006059), 01/2011-12/2013

Project of  Industry-university-research Cooperation of Guangdong Ministry of  Education: Product Research of Air-conditioner with Evaporative  Condensing Heat Pipe (Number: 2010B090400154), 02/2010-12/2011

A subject of National  Science and Technology Supported Projects: Development of Air Quality  Detection and Purification Technology in Urban Underground Space  (Number: 2006BAJ27B03-3), 11/2006-12/2010

Project of National Natural  Science Foundation: Basic Applied Research of Refrigerant Injection and  Extraction Technology in Heat Pump System (Grant Number: 50676042),  01/2007-12/2009

Project of Low Energy  Consumption Building Demonstration in the Three Concepts Exhibition  Center of Olympic Village (Grant Number: D0606004040391),  07/2006-12/2008


Applied  Research

Transverse Project of China  Machinery & Electrical Export Products Investment Co., Ltd: Design Code  Research and Development of Complement Thermal System for Ground Source  Heat Pump, 03/2013-03/2014

Transverse Project of  CHANGHONG Group (Sichuan): Control Strategy Research and Standards of  VISA System, 01/2013-12/2014

Transverse Project of China  Machinery & Electrical Export Products Investment Co., Ltd: Development  of Efficient Air Heating Units of Ground Source Heat Pump Applied in  Hezhi Railway Station of Shenshuo Railway Corporation, 06/2011-06/2013

Hefei General Machinery  Research Institute: Performance Evaluation Method Research of Multi-unit  Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Unit, 05/2011-12/2012

Daikin (China) Investment  Co., Ltd: Performance Evaluation System Research of Multi-unit Air  Conditioning (Heat Pump) Unit, 11/2010-06/2012

Beijing Huaqing Geothermal  Development Co., Ltd: Performance Evaluation of Heat Pump With Renewable  Water Heating and Cooling Source System In Beijing Olympic Village,  09/2010-12/2010

MHI: Evaluation of the  Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio of Turbo Heat Pump, 04/2010-03/2011



HVAC (30 students in Autumn)

Analysis of Small  Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration System (15 students in Spring)

HVAC System Design (30  students in Autumn)

New Technology of HVAC (30  students in Spring)



Teaching  Awards

Refrigeration Technology for  Air Conditioning (4th edition) by Qisen Yan, Wenxing Shi, Changqing Tian,  the 2nd-class Prize of Excellent Textbook Award, Tsinghua University,  2012

Best Tutor Award in 4th  College Students’ Contest of China Refrigeration and Air-conditioning  Industry (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region), awarded by China Refrigeration  and Air-Conditioning Industry Association, 2010

Teaching Reforms in Practice  Lessons of Building Environment and Equipment Institute : the  First-class Prize of Education Achievement in Beijing (Higher Education)  , 2009

The First-class Prize of  Outstanding Head Teacher of Tsinghua University, 2007

Teaching Reforms in Practice  Lessons of Building Environment and Equipment Institute : the Grand  Prize of Teaching Achievement of Tsinghua University, 2006

Pace-Setter in the New Long  March, Tianjin, 1995


Research  Awards

Key Technology and  Application of Efficient Plate Tubular Evaporative Condensing  Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment, the 2nd-class Prize of  Guangdong Science and Technology, 2011

Research and Application of  Green Building Technology in Olympic Village, the 2nd-class Prize of  Huaxia Construction Science and Technology (2010)

The First-class Prize of  Best Technical Paper, awarded by Chinese Association of Refrigeration,  2010

Micro-power Consuming  Kindergarten in Three Concepts Exhibition Center of Olympic Village, the  Gold Award of 4th (2007) CRECC Residential Science and Technology

The First-class Prize of  Best Technical Paper, awarded by Chinese Association of Refrigeration,  2007

The First-class Prize of  Best Technical Paper, awarded by Chinese Association of Refrigeration,  2005

Application of Frequency  Control Technology in Air-conditioning, the Third-class Prize of  Progress in Science and Technology in Beijing, 2001



Deputy Director of National  TC238 on Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Equipment of Standardization  of China

Deputy Secretary-General of  Academic Committee Deputy of Chinese Association of Refrigeration

Secretary-General of  Continuing Education Committee of Chinese Association of Refrigeration

Committeeman of the Popular  Science Work Committee of Chinese Association of Refrigeration

Committeeman of the Sixth  Professional Committee of Chinese Association of Refrigeration

Committeeman of the  Technical Committee of China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry  Association

Director of Beijing  Institute of Refrigeration

Editorial Board Member of  Journal of Heating Ventilation & Air-conditioning

Editorial Board Member of  Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology




[1]      W.X.  Shi, B.L. Wang, X.T. Li. The practical teaching method in engineering  professional courses based on CDIO theory[C]. // Editor: F.H. Wang.  Development and teaching research of refrigeration and air conditioning  disciplines: The seventh symposium of the development of refrigeration  and air conditioning disciplines in national universities[M], XI'AN  Jiaotong University Press, 2012. (in Chinese)

[2]      Y.X.  Zhu, W.X. Shi. Teaching methods in professional courses of engineering  specialties[J]. Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of  Higher Learning, 2011, 20(5):78-82. (in Chinese)

[3]      L.J.  Han, W.X Shi, B.L Wang, et al . Development of an integrated  air conditioner with thermosyphon and the application in mobile phone  base station [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2013, 36(1):  58-69

[4]      L.Y.  Dong, B.L. Wang, W.X. Shi, et al. The numerical simulation of heat and  mass transfer of plate evaporative condenser[J]. Journal of  Refrigeration, 2013, 34(1):10-17. (in Chinese)

[5]      D.H.  Zhou, C.B. Wu, W.X. Shi. Simulation and Test on the Dynamic  Characteristic of Three-port Piston Valve[J]. Journal of Mechanical  Engineering, 2012, 48(18):130-136. (in Chinese)

[6]      C.B.  Wu, W.X. Shi, X.T. Li. Comparison between SPLV and IPLV for evaluating  water chiller performance[J]. HV & AC, 2012, 42(12):36-38. (in Chinese)

[7]      C.B.  Wu, W.X. Shi, X.T. Li. New evaluating index for seasonal performance and  performance evaluation for multiple chillers combined operation[J]. HV &  AC, 2012, 42(8):9-16. (in Chinese)

[8]      B.L.  Wang, L.J Han, W.X. Shi, et al. Modulation method  of the scroll compressor based on suction gas bypass[J]  Applied  Thermal Engineering, 2012, (37):183-189

[9]      W.X.  Shi, L.J. Han, B.L. Wang, et al. Principle of combined air conditioner  by heat pipe and vapor compression and its application analysis in high  heat density space[J]. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, 2011,  11(1):30-36.

[10]    W. Zhao, D.H.  Zhou, W.X. Shi. Performance domain of multiple-split air conditioning  systems[J]. HV & AC, 2010, 40(7):98-102,107.

[11]    B.L. Wang, L.J.  Han, W.X. Shi, et al. Scroll compressor capacity regulating technology  based on the refrigerant escaping[J]. Journal of Refrigeration, 2010,  31(2):7-10. (in Chinese)

[12]    B.L. Wang, W.X.  Shi, L.J Han, et al. Optimization of  refrigeration system with gas-injected scroll compressor.  International Journal of Refrigeration, 2009, 32 (7):1544-1554

[13]    B.L. Wang, W.X.  Shi, X.T. Li. Numerical analysis on the effects of refrigerant injection  on the scroll compressor[J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29 (1):  37-46.

[14]    W.X. Shi, W.  Zhao, B.L. Wang. Performance evaluation method of Multi-connected Air-  conditioning (heat pump) Systems[J]. Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 29  (3): 10-17. (in Chinese)

[15]    S.Q. Shao, W.  X. Shi, X.T. Li, , et al. Simulation model for complex refrigeration  systems based on two-phase fluid network - part I: model development[J],  International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 31(3): 490-499

[16]    W.X. Shi, S.Q.  Shao, X.T. Li, et al. Simulation model for complex refrigeration systems  based on two-phase fluid network - part II: model application[J],  International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 31(3): 500-509.

[17]    W.X. Shi, S.Q.  Shao, Q.S. Yan. Effective region of Multi-connected Air-condition (heat  pump) System, Journal of Refrigeration, 2007, 28(2): 8-12. (in Chinese)

[18]    Shi W.X, Wang  B.L, Li X.T. A measurement  method of ice layer thickness based on resistance-capacitance circuit  for closed loop external melt ice storage tank[J]. Applied  Thermal Engineering, 2005, 25 (11-12): 1697-1707.

[19]    Shao S.Q., Shi  W.X., Li X.T., et al. Performance representation of variable-speed  compressor for inverter air conditioners based on experimental data.  International Journal of Refrigeration, 2004, 27(8): 805-815.

[20]    Shi, W.X.,  Shao, S.Q., Li, X.T.,et al. A network model to simulate performance of  variable speed refrigerant volume refrigeration systems[J]. ASHRAE  Transactions, 2003, 109 (2), 61–68.



[1]      Wenxing  Shi, Jianhong Cheng, Wei Zhao, et al. Guidelines for the implementation  of the relevant standards of multiple-split air conditioning  technology[M]. Beijing: China Zhijian Publishing House, March, 2011.

[2]      Qisen Yan,  Wenxing Shi, Changqing Tian. Refrigeration technology for  air-conditioningthe  fourth edition[M].  Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press. July, 2010.

[3]      Yanshun  Yu, Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi, Zheng Wang. Tailrace Tunnel Ventilation  Technology in Hydropower Station and its application[M], Beijing:  Science Press, February, 2010

[4]      Xianting Li,  Wenxing Shi , Bin Zho, etc. Built Environment Science[M], Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press, May, 2006.

[5]      Qisen  Yan, Jang Shen, Wenxing Shi. Application of Refrigeration Technology  [M], Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, June, 2006.

[6]      Wenxing  Shi (Translation). Comprehensive Assessment System for Building  Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE) [M], Beijing: China Architecture &  Building Press, July, 2005.


national  standards

[1]      GB/T  27941-2011, Application Design and Installation Requirements for  multi-split air conditioners(Heat pump) Packages[S].

[2]      GB/T17758-2010, Unitary air conditioner[S].

[3]      GB/T  25127.1-2010, Low Temperature Air Source Heat Pump (Water Chilling)  Packages, part 1: industrial or commercial packages[S].

[4]      GB21454-2008,  The minimum allowable values of the IPLV and energy efficiency grades  for multi-connected air-condition (heat pump) unit[S].

[5]      GB21455-2008,  The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and Energy  efficiency grades for variable speed room air conditioners[S].

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